
18th April 2024 Embracing Efficiency: GNY Unveils ERP System!

In pursuit of operational efficiency, GNY launched the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System on April 18, 2024, coinciding with Zhabdrung Kuchoe. The ERP was developed by Zealous Systems Pvt. Limited, a local firm based in Thimphu. The ERP was inaugurated by the Chairman of the Human Resources Commission of the Central Monastic Body of Zhung Dratshang, Khenpo Tashi Tshering, alongside the CEO of GNY. The event was also attended by Venerable Tashi Tshering (HR Commissioner), Venerable Choten Dorji (Leystshog Dungchen) of the Zhung Dratshang, representatives from Zealous Systems, Bhutan Spyders, and employees of GNY. Additionally, GNY launched its company website and CMB event plan for the high-end tourists. This year’s Zhabdrung Kuchoe also commemorated the first anniversary of the Royal Charter for Gerab Nyed-Yon 2023.     

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